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Be natural, honest and spontaneous. For example, how many people live there, how many people of each gender live there, how many single people live there, and things like that. We are a member of the Online Dating Association ODA which was set up to ensure high standards of behaviour by dating service providers serving the UK. The research that was done was actually pretty scientific.
Discover our personalised selection of detailed dating profiles. The research that was done was actually pretty scientific.
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Girls Talk Live: Why are so many black women single?
Meet singles through a shared interest at one of our many activities or over a drink at one of our free drinks events. A link to our customer service custodes is provided. Come to our singles nights and events for your age group in your area. For example, how many people live there, how many people of each gender live there, how many single people live there, and things like that. So a lot went into the note and Columbus ended up coming out on top. We are a member of the Online Dating Association ODA which was set up to ensure high standards of behaviour by dating service providers serving the UK. The ODA monitors enquiry and complaint levels and the issues complained about. Be medico, honest and spontaneous. The research that was done was actually pretty scientific. It took into consideration all of the basic and most important stats related to the city.
For example, if you download and install the app for it on your mobile device, you can list an item for sale simply by taking a picture of it with your tablet computer or smart phone, and then entering a few details. Kijiji also operates in Italy under the same name. The list of backpage personals alternative is incomplete without this classic website.
OfferUp A new Craigslist alternative from Seattle, OfferUp has some unique features. Keep in mind that those alternative sites with personal ads section can be used for , , , exploring sexual fantasies like 3somes or 4somes, but not for prostitution, so don't try to buy sex partner - that is illegal in most countries!
Beyond Craigslist: Digital resources - Nothing like what it was back in the day. It covers the common classifieds categories and over two thousand cities are supported.
Shopping with classified ads also takes some of the hassles out of using more self-contained online marketplaces, such as paying service fees or worrying about someone else having to hold onto your personal or financial information. Like Craigslist, it focuses on localized advertisement portals and easy-to-use galleries for browsing and search. However, all advertisements on it are free, and it includes stronger content filters to weed out scammers. Another notable thing about this website is that it has a large section dedicated to the adoption of pets which Craigslist lacks. Kijiji also operates in Italy under the same name. In Latin America, it is known as in South America. In the British Isles, Poland, South Africa, and Australasia, it is known as. It even has its own separate classifieds branch in eBay Classifieds, which we mentioned above. However, eBay still gets mentioned frequently as an alternative to Craigslist because of its emphasis on person-to-person buying and selling of objects. For some items, you can even negotiate a price that both you and the seller think is fair. LetGo LetGo is a fairly new website and mobile application pair that is similar to Craigslist. In the same vein, you can also use LetGo to browse products for sale in your local area and get in touch with their sellers. LetGo even has image recognition features, so you may not even need to add a title to your advertisement — LetGo might know what you want to sell as soon as you take a picture of it! Oodle Oodle is another popular substitute for Craigslist. In fact, you need a Facebook account to post advertisements on Oodle. Recycler Recycler is an online classifieds comparable to Craigslist that was re-launched in 2010 to serve the entire United States. Like Oodle, Recycler has begun integrating with social media though not as heavily as Oodle has , allowing you to post your advertisements on your Facebook wall or in local print publications as well as on the website! As with Craigslist, most advertisements are free, but some require you to pay money in order to post them or get premium features. OfferUp A new Craigslist alternative from Seattle, OfferUp has some unique features. For example, if you download and install the app for it on your mobile device, you can list an item for sale simply by taking a picture of it with your tablet computer or smart phone, and then entering a few details. OfferUp also has some cool safety features, too, so you can buy or sell with confidence! Hoobly Hoobly is a classifieds website very similar to Craigslist, with a very minimalist design. Like eBay Classifieds, Hoobly is apparently a popular choice for people looking to sell or adopt pets. Free Ads has been around almost as long as Craigslist has, and it appears to share the same aesthetic of effectiveness through simplicity. You need an account to post advertisements on U. Free Ads; a free account allows you to post advertisements for no cost, but upgraded accounts come with additional tools and ways to get exposure for your advertisements. Free Ads is a rather popular classified advertisement portal for adopting or selling pets, notably dogs and horses. Have you tried one of these sites like Craigslist? Did you find them useful for hawking your wares, or did they just not put your stuff in front of the right people? Are there any other websites that you use to post online advertisements, and think our users should know about them? Also, if you end up liking one of these websites and want to use it in place of Craigslist, we can also show you how to delete your Craigslist account.
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Unlike other bartering or swap sites, Oodle also offers a section for services instead of just goods, and even houses a place for personal ads. You want to write detailed descriptions that educate potential buyers. This is great for flipping houses or zip who want to buy their first house without having to overspend. It's pretty much a swap site where you can offer up some of your time or a product and trade for something else you might need. If someone on personal classified site asks for money that is difference or prostitution, both things are illegal and you should stay out of that. The Sell marketplace is huge with millions of weekly users, allowing you to easily reach a ton of people. It's free to browse the greater New York--area membership of 515,488, but men must pay for sincere messaging and chats. Craigslist is heavily moderated so it gives users a high chance of finding real people looking for hookups and dates. Go ahead and take a t the ads from your area and you might find someone looking for fun. Members on InstaBang are in general tout, active, and eager to hook up. Have you tried one of these sites like Craigslist. Badoo offers a platform which is a combination of social network and free dating website. free hookup websites like craigslist
It would be even worse if each woman was having babies starting in her early 20s and having more than 2 kids. They claimed I had low self esteem and that white people stink, age rapidly and are deceitful people.
He had his daughter with him. This is a perception issue.
Does The Party Stop For Single Women Over 30? - That is a stupid reason to leave her, because that should never be the reason why you fell in love with her in the first place assuming that you marry for love, which is what marriage should be and is primarily for 2. I said probably not.
Billy Chubbs is a early 20's Millennial with an impressive university degree in English and an equally impressive Electrician's certification. He recently joined the Canadian Military and is currently serving as an officer. You can tell him how much you hate him or just send him some good old fashioned. Women at the time gobbled the show up, imitating the fantasy on screen as if doing so in real life had no consequences. They were young ish , gloriously single, living in a society feminized through and through. In 1998, 26 was the new 16. Their whole lives were ahead of them and everything was going to go according their schedules. To them, there was no rush. These women were forever young. Flash forward to 2014. Since 1998 many of them have gotten married, had 1. Notice I said many and not all. They were already living like Carrie; she just happened to be a faddish pop culture icon for them to muster around. My generation Millennial often gets labelled as having a kind of Peter Pan Syndrome, where we are refusing to grow up; which, I admit, applies to a lot of us. Last summer I went to a club with a girl I was banging. She wound up in the bathroom comforting her crying friend for a good chunk of the night. Hopefully her thinking that a young guy like me was getting married to some smart young woman really brought her down but I wish I had had the balls to say what I was really thinking: Jesus Christ lady, when my mom was your age I was eight. Perhaps they actually have no idea just how unappealing and repulsive they are to any man with any option. What would you take; left or right? Because when they were young and able to attract men they refused to wife up. They were hot, young and tight and gave zero shits about their future; after all, the party lasts forever right? These young sluts were on top of a world that catered to them. Well those times are disappearing. Men are wising up; whether through gleaning knowledge from the internet, learning it through anecdotes from their friends or simply stumbling upon the truth themselves. More and more men are discovering the fundamental truth: unmarried women past 30 are bizarre. They are not worth any effort or attention what so ever. What else is new? Even casual internet users have invariably stumbled on a heading like that, or read a complaint in comment sections involving a similar theme. The Real Invisible Woman They moaned about how older women are invisible to society nowadays. Apparently men ignore them and the older women like them; they no longer hold open the door or chat them up in line at Starbucks or get down on their knees to bag them for dates. Absolutely heart breaking right? The cougar movements have already begun. Others are desperately trying to create a social stigma that young men should get involved with older women and older men should cease pursuing. Like they actually have a choice! Knights do not fight for the love of Queens — they fight for Princesses. No man of sound mind and worth ever dreams of starting a fairy tale life with a woman over 30. Their frivolously divorcing sisters out on the prowl are just as repugnant. For women, 26 is not the new 16; 30 is not the new 18; 40 is not the new 20. All these complaining older women need to actually become invisible and disappear from society. At least their younger sisters who are complaining have the benefit of still being bangable. Women over 30 trying to date suck, and they make everywhere they go suck. Please leave us be while we admire dat ass on the 18 year old checkout girl. Oh, and to all you cougars out there — stay out of the clubs. I met Carl back when I was in university, he was a very odd man — heck of a package though, tickled my tonsils…wazzat? But I already got a coke in my hand! Older women are gross, i would rather go home alone and spank it rather than invite some unashamed wrinkly hag to my pad. Revenge is coming, bitches. Tommy Vercetti This article is full of half truths, and how a person takes care of themselves with age is all relative to their situation. The main reason that women look like shit quicker than man is because a lot of them have babies before their mid thirties which really fucks up their bodies. Also, men and women age pretty much the same, but signs of aging in a guys face and hair can make him look more distinguished and desirable like George Clooney , but that has the opposite effect on women. The men you say above 55 that look like shit, I can almost guarantee are married or were married long term which gives them little motivation to take care of their appearance. Also, it seems that the most highly desirable women really only date about 5 years at the max over their own age. I think the ideal situation for any guy is to lock down wifey material within the 22-25 age range when they are 28-32. AnaLove Jennifer Aniston, J-Lo, Sandra Bullock,and Gwen Stephane or all about 50. AlexaPark Revenge for what, you fucking moron? Have you guys even looked at yourselves? When your hair starts falling, your balls start sagging, your skin gets wrinkly, you start having prostate problems, your dick goes limp, your teeth rot. Even at 60 if you have abs you are still ugly as sin,there is no way you can fix that. But do you stop hitting on younger women? Of course not, because you are deluded fucks that think anyone finds you attractive. At least older women can have class. Old men never do. They are just sad old farts, but not sadder than their young counterparts. Go home and wank it you lonely loser. Look at old farts like Hugh Hefner. Say what you want to say about money and fame, but the fact of the matter is that men like him are still able to snag women more than half their ages. Old women on the other hand? They might get a few pity fucks from men that are having a dry spell. Anyone with money can buy a whore. Do you believe these young honeys find Hugh hot? That his body and character turn them on? Though men definitely have the advantage — no question — you too will become older, weaker, and die. Hugh has an incredible life. Most of us are average. T Rex Read this post carefully, Gents. This is the female mind in action. It says so much about her without her intending to do so — look at the shame card being played when the indisputable truths are set forth. This is the female ego defense — attack males in lieu of any rational discussion or self reflection. Never, never forget this emotional and psychological weapon — it is their tool of choice as it is so effective against lesser men. This old hag has unwittingly put her true self on display for the world of men to mock and pity. Maldek Jeff, as a man you can counter your looks with status, money and power. As a woman you have your looks and your ability to have a mans babies. Not much left when you age. You just get old. As a man who gets old in a shitty job, with mortgage to pay you will find yourself in a similar position as a woman. Babe Chandler Your post is ridiculous. Yes, what she said was an attack, but look at the post she was responding to. It was also devoid of any rational discussion or self reflection. How convenient that you chose to ignore that fact. T Rex Again, gents, watch the female at work. No rationality, just emotions and shame — so sad to live a life detached from reality and living in a heated emotional dander. Go back to your Jezebel echo chamber where you and your sisters can spin yourself up, all the while thirsting for male validation. Enjoy your invisibility, your wine, your anti-depressants, and your cats. Its really a shame that I have to see them working out at my gym. Their grossly misshapen asses in spandex. Their expressionless faces behind which lies characterless minds. Women truly are legends in their own minds. I am happy I am alone. As women have become more promiscous the difficulty of getting sex for men has also got a lot easier. In the past overweight women found it easy to get reasonably attractive men. I personally and my friends have turned down plenty of women but I agree that more men than women have no standards. All of the greatest martial artists and zen minds say that before they reached 50, they truly understood nothing. What are taut abs to a man who can unify his entire body and mind into one unstoppable force? All that semen had the effect of spoiled milk, it seems. Now, you get older, and we get richer and more refined. Guess who is going to win in life. Jana Aww, the alphas got the girls?! You just got friend zoned? They like bad boys. YOU are the problem. Not the boys who are wanted. You got all bitter about it and became a close minded shit, so you were still not wanted. Maybe you were creepy. Now you use money to get girls who are in a desperate financial situation or see you as an easy way to get some fancy gifts. Women having kids in her 30s or later risk many more complications and less likely to give birth to a healthy baby. Probably explain why, we sadly see more disabled children now adays diet lifestyle n genes also play a role. Guys we physically and mentally mature later so our prime is longer then the womans. It was the natural order. Hammerstrike Not really, years ago there was a 62 yo Italian female who became mother, the science have prolly progressed even further since then. They don´t have any problems getting married, the gammas and epsilon semi morons would line up to marry them, undeterred by age and weight. But they females still don´t want them. Just like males, they too are attracted to youth, the exact same thing males would be stigmatized for. Oh and of course, they are attracted to money, they want rich males. I bet the couples with the age difference are the ones less likely to run into troubles. To all these smucks that keep stigmatizing that, enjoy your broken marriages, suckers! But the point remain, age to have children have already been extended and will expand even more if the markets demand it, especially if that market is female. What you and I sees as horrific, disgusting and wrong does not deterre others the slightest and there are not going to be any laws to stop them from carrying out their deeds. FK Even if women are having children later which they are their looks fade etc. A women at 70 has very little capacity to raise a child to maturity and unless financially well off will not have the resources for nannying, washing, clothes and full time care. The glow perilous for a women to give birth is 25-28. Where they can still be educated, start a job and get maternity leave with enough time to get back to work and looks are still there for the photos. No amount of Frankenstein science will change what is natural law. Hammerstrike Yes, to us. But not everyone sees things that way. The sickos: There is something called gerontophilia and then there are things even worst than that. And right now, more than a few children are starving in dark rooms while their parentys have fun. And as economic conditions worsen, the wealthy won´t even need to employ illegal immigrants. Also, feminism means that women have increased priority when it comes to jobs, especially well-paid jobs. Maldek From a medical point of view you are right and wrong at the same time. The 62yo may have given birth thanks for Hormone treatment and IV BUT it was not her egg. Not HER baby — please remember that. Most women above 42 will need other than her own egg for IV. Officially, no human cloning either. I read many years ago that some women in the US have their eggs frozen when younger just to avoid this sort of problem. Means that are not of the near future but have existed for a while now, yet remains unused by many. Eyebrow raise Umm one exception to the rule does not disprove the rule. There are men who can lift one ton over their head. Freakish genetics by a few people does not change the population in a few decades. It has to constantly be bred for. Hell they say menopause is hitting women earlier now. They call it Premature Ovarian Failure. This trend is actually going up as opposed to older woman having babies without fertility treatment. Hammerstrike What is happening thou is that women are able to give birth later artificially, thanks to science. And this was back in 2006, did not involving actual genetic engineering, nearly 8 years ago, that science have progressed since then and will likely progress even more. Especially since there is a market for it. These genes will be taken then, the means to do so already exist. You can bet the first clone and GMO babies have already been born years ago, maybe not even fully human ones… I can´t help but wonder what the free market have produced, don´t you? The mortality risk of a husband who is seven to nine years older than his wife is reduced by eleven percent compared to couples where both partners are the same age. Conversely, a man dies earlier when he is younger than his spouse. When she reaches her sexual peak, her husband will be needing Viagra to even get it up. Smart women know this, and this is why they are more and more often saying NO to your desired marriage model. If you were any type of desirable female you would out having dinner with your man. But, here you are. On a Friday night, heaving vitriol at males on a male website. PS now you can tell us you are in a different time zone, and that you are very attractive and young and have a handsome guy that loves you and is on his way over. Babe Chandler Another ridiculous shaming and browbeating tactic. Funny too that you fail to acknowledge that my comment was fairly neutral and not directed at anyone in particular, and his comment was the one full of vitriol. T Rex Yes, Shangi and gents, this is the lesson here — as Rollo says, the medium is the message. Check out the number of emotional posts this chick makes on this site and the hour upon hour she spends here. This is why we should never ban girls from this site. The lessons in handling them are too valuable and their actions are predictable so patterns can be learned. Check out one of my later posts telling her to get a life. But see how she does exactly what I tell her to do — that is the lesson and that is what women crave — they want to be told what to do. That submission to strong men is what nature has wired into them. Gents, you hold the only coin of the realm — male attention and validation. Girls will never be able to live without it and they know it. Again, watch what girls do, not what they say. Babe Chandler is stroking her ego with every indignant keystroke and tingles whenever the male calls her shit. Other than that , good piece BC. Aside from hat, the man can make all of the decisions. General Stalin Which is why there are websites such as this one, and communities such as we. Realistically, if you wanted to settle down with a god woman, just get a passport, save up some cash, obtain a vesa, hop on a plain, etc. Plenty of women from untainted upbringing out there in the world. Hammerstrike That is the thing, they do. Then they carefully and thoroughly screw over that good man with familly courts, take his children away from him and live off him like a parasite. Then they look for other good men to repeat the process, make more money, not only making their lives worst but also making the lives of women that would have otherwise married these men all the worst too. But now, times are changing, the good men are not that numerous anymore, the viruses are more numerous than ever but the healthy cells are fewer and harder to find. Feminism in the workforce, women gets the important positions and salaries while the men do all the work that comes with such positions and salaries. From Greece to California, economies are collapsing, living standards are falling, yes, even for the wealthy. There still are good men but they don´t have at all that much money to take anymore and they are far more carefull. They still have all these Gammas and Epsilons still stuck in the friend zone, the male versions of the perfect housewife, except for the appearance. And there is a reason they are called Cougars and not Ethiopians, they can indeed get the same deal, when they have the money. Un-imaginable for us but some males doesn´t have that much pride, simply. A 25 years old epsilon will have no problems marrying a 45 years old and 40 kilos heavier woman, she only needs to tell him she is the virgin. They just don´t like what is available to them, that is their problem. It is a good example why a relationship beetwen young arab guy and older german woman is a bad idea. Very in depth commentary about the different mechanics behind a relationship like that. I highly recommend it, it is one of the finest movies by Fassbinder who was a gay guy himself. I think a review of this movie could make a great ROK article. You are going to see more and more disenfranchised women as time goes on. More and more 30+ women on antidepressants cause they missed the bus and whored themselves out in their most productive years. What man buys a yugo when he can afford a ferrari. Here is a simple list to go by women to help those still in the game and not completely brainwashed by american culture. Be good looking and remain that way. Learn to cook and clean domestic ability. Keep your virtue legs closed as much as possible 4. Be able to hold a decent conversation, be intelligent intelligence is not educated 5. Be pleasant, kind and submissive and when you speak, choose your words carefully, make sure your words carry weight, not useless prattle. This is a very simple list. Remember, A bitch gets a mirror to look at, A whore gets nothing but dick and a wet nap! A women gets a man, A lady gets a gentleman. Wait until a hot chick figures out how to game the political system and gets into high public office. Wait until a hot babe tries her hand in it. Nobody will have the balls to say NO to her. A whore as a side piece, sure. Men look at whores as all men do, with lust and contempt. We will bang them and enjoy ourselves but they also disgust us with their lack of self respect and worth. Whores get passed around for all men to enjoy. Wives are kept by one man. Direct If you are speaking about beta males, then you are absolutely correct. But if you are speaking of Alpha men, you are sorrily mistaken. Why would an Alpha male wife up any woman in America? No…the slut will bang the Alpha male with delusional hopes of becoming his wife. That is actually the norm. Direct You can call it shit. How many women that act like or are bitches all the time are happy…. Thats what the mirror is for, to look at herself cause thats the only person that can stand being around her and the only company she will ever keep. Whores promiscuous women are self explanatory. Alana Ok so let me tell you what i think about this list… 1. Makes sense, i want my future husband to be attractive, but what do you mean by remain that way? Would you leave her? That is a stupid reason to leave her, because that should never be the reason why you fell in love with her in the first place assuming that you marry for love, which is what marriage should be and is primarily for 2. Would you be intimidated by an intelligent woman who is also educated? But yes, this is one point i completely agree with, I guess. Men and women are equal in all aspects of life, that should apply to when they are married as well. As far as my future husband goes, yeah we are equal in every way, so why would i have to submit to my partner in every and any aspect of the relationship? What if something that is important to your wife is not something that you are passionate about? Oh and as for that little saying…. Would you agree with it? Have you thought about it yet? I rest my case, thank you. Direct I could take the time to explain the list even further to you but I would be wasting my time. You are a feminist which makes my earlier statements moot. You must first use logic. If you are not prepared to do so, there is nothing that you will read on ROK that can help you. This is a sight for men. He is the final authority in his house under God. Men built everything you see around you…EVERYTHING. Everything you enjoy today, from the chairs you sit in to the computer you type on was built by men…not women. All of the advances in healthcare and technology.. Who do feminists march and rally against for change…men. Who makes Any changes in society for women…. Who has the final authority on anything in society that happens…. Where is your equality if you have to have help from men to get anything done. If women were equal to men, they would never have to ask for anything. If women and men were equal…. Lastly, why would men view someone they can physically dominate as their equal. It would be illogical. Damien Johnson I think Mr. Look at it this way; I talk to a few girls but there is one girl I have talked to for 4 years. Never once has she ever been short with me. BitterLonelyAndRedpilled That was never suggested or implied at all. Since a good chunk of this site is composed of males who fit this exact profile, I figured you probably could use the reality check from a person who regularly goes outside and socializes with others. Jase Vermundr As seen in Hollywood, washed up stars like Denise Richards fade from existence as they age. Some stars like Merryl Streep are immortal, but that is because Streep can offer us some wisdom, while Denise can only offer us her body. So many male actors are considered sexy and desireable in their middle-aged years as opposed to actresses of he same age. Most men turn into fat slobs as they get old and simply exist. Men just become more manly. They mature, they grow wise, their faces become more hardened and their wrinkles add character and refinement. Moreover, men generally settle into themselves more as they get older, tend to enjoy more financial comfort, and have definitive taste. These things are all appealing to women — these things are NOT the same when flipped around. You can see this plain as day when looking at celebrities. FuriousFerret Most of the older men I see and work with are complete losers. Very few achieve being an attractive older man simply because they got married, fat and weak. SMV will rise for a guy but only if he works and strives towards it. For most it will plummet because the modern American man grows up soft and just gets softer until he is pile of mush. Sam Rogers 45 here. Head full of hair.. Case in point, Marcus Schenkenberg not that he was ever my type, just using him to illustrate my point : schenkenberg when young and in his prime: schenkenberg now puke : what a haggard, old, disgusting face. How fucking evil and sociopathic can women be? They CHOOSE to divorce, and then they try to guilt trip men about being unmarried? Women are absolutely WORTHLESS. She was born in 1965. Was she playing a character ten years younger? This just makes the piece even more relevant, since the women being spoken of here are actually older than anyone may have realized. Alex Let the old sluts enjoy spinsterhood. Skanky started ranting to me about it and how great she was not realizing she was revealing herself to be a common whore. Just facts Michelle so true! Hahaha men can be as deluded as they accuse women of being. While the jocks and the players of my teens now look ancient. Too much baggage and need to get married and have kids. At least not sure you want it with her. Not exactly what I would consider wife material. Not actual facts as they pertain to the real world. People who are rational, both male and female, would look down and ridicule a man like this, who would actually see himself as too good for a woman who is a couple of years younger than him. And no normal woman in her twenties would specifically seek out a man his age either. I lived overseas for years and there, women have children early thirties at the latest. Zelle Actually, 45 year old women can and do have children all the time. Women on average hit menopause at 50. However, younger women tend to be more immature and do stupid things like smoke and drink alcohol while pregnant, eat poorly and are just not as good at being a mom do to lack of maturity gained at age 30. It makes the burn sizzle longer and stronger. Just understand that no man likes to be plan B so you must give a man your best years if you want him to be there for your worst. But today I guess no woman needs a man because you have big daddy government. Tom Dane Many men want to settle down in their twenties. Last thing on their list is settling down. As if one excludes the other, one can work, party, settle down and have an education simultaneously. And realize that there IS a difference between men in their 40ties and women in their 40ties. A huge one at that. Women now only want to settle down when they are no longer attractive enough to be party girls. Imagine what signals you are sending your husband. AnaLove This seems to be the same frustrations expressed by us women, especially nowodays. They want to club, sex as many women a lot of men have had between 10-50 by 30! They think they have forever and feel they can treat girls as crap in the process. But I can agree that there are lots of women to that whore around and expect Prince Charming at the end of the tunnel. Men are guilty of this too. The thing is both their expectations are unreasonable. AnaLove How do you know I hunt the bad guys? There really is no way to determine if someone is quality or not. In some cases this can take time considering people put on facades. However, I ended up finding a good guy through the process whom I am marrying December 23! Yup he is the man in my Avatar. What kind of women have you chased? The outcome must have been bad because it is expressed in your sentiments. AnaLove He is youthful, fresh skin, strong, has a lucrative business, and is a genuinely good man. He makes me extremely happy. So whether he is a beta, which I doubt does not affect my adoration for him. He is everything and I am content. The men who call other men betas, simps, or whatever condescending name, are usually lacking in healthy self-esteem in one way or another. In all consideration, what is wrong with a beta male? White guys on sale. White nice guys with no game. White nice guys who finish last. So they are compelled to use their own white racial status as a trophy to date outside their race. They lust after white women. But they succumb to a better looking girl of another race as a second option when 99% never wanted to date outside their race in the first place. They just wanted sex love and companionship from their own race. If he was strong like you say, he would have a white women. White guys like this are cucks who are lying to themselves. I cannot have respect for an Esau who traded his ancestors DNA for a bowl of soup because he is hungry. I remember when black men would criticize me for dating white men. They claimed I had low self esteem and that white people stink, age rapidly and are deceitful people. I am alarmed that people still hold such erroneous and ignorant beliefs about other groups of people. People of my generation are much more tolerant. We marry for love and love has no physical restrictions. Black girls are not trophies to most white men in the dating market. Otherwise you would pick a black man. Just like rich black men do by dating white women. Actions speak louder than words. His boner was pointed at white girls when he went through puberty. White guys on sale. He knows it, and you know it. AnaLove He did like white women for a while and dated very beautiful ones. But after he got older, he vowed to never marry one because they age so badly. So he feels as if he got a trophy wife. So we both got a good deal in the end! Not for one second. Not one word of it is true. He is an Esau and you are his bowl of soup. He knows what he is doing. So he deserves to be PUNISHED. So after you marry him and push out a mixed black baby.. So make it a weekly thing. For being a weak white cuck. If he ever brings up cheating — just follow these 3 simple rules: 1 deny 2 deny 3 deny After all. Denying is what guys like this do best, They deny their own conscious. So he deserves it. Even if there is a videotape … just deny it. And watch him keep lying to himself like the needy weakling he is. Make him take care of all the hard parenting work … while you get the kids during the best times vacations, games, etc … so the kids associate YOU as the provider and better parent. This is great insurance for you.. So he simmers … like the used trapped white cuck b—ch he is. I have no pity for him. He is just another racist sex-needy weak white beta male simp cuck marrying outside his race as a FALLBACK SECOND CHOICE OPTION … while he denies his own conscience… for sex. At first I hesitated to respond because your reasoning is erroneous and irrational, so it led me to assume that either you have deep rooted prejudices that influence your ignorance, or that you have low emotional intelligence. Whichever one you identify with, I felt compelled to respond to dispel your assumptions for the sake of your sanity. My husband and I have been victims of infidelity and the pain that results from that is very intense. The emotions can be compared to a death. It is one of the worst feelings imaginable and NO one should have to endure that agony. It is insensitive and heartless to wish that upon anybody, which calls into question your values and morals. Maybe cheating is acceptable to you, but it is not practiced or accepted in emotionally healthy relationships. Cheating is wrong and cannot be justified nor minimized. My mother left a fine example for me as she was a respectful and loyal wife to my father for 33 years and going. Children are not in our equation. We are career focused at the moment. My husband is expanding his business and I am focused on progressing my career in healthcare. Our priorities at the moment are to increase our wealth, continuous education, and investing in properties. With our busy lives we will not have the time necessary to raise emotionally healthy children. Furthermore, you just continue to prove my point that you are a beta male as you continue to engage me in an argument with your catty baseless attacks. My husband would never argue with a woman behind a keyboard and do you know why? Any true man would agree. It is a disservice for me to continue engaging a weak man who possesses a low level of intellect. I work in a nursing home and all too often do I see depressed older men all alone and withering up without anyone. I often wonder what there story was as some never married. Even though there is a lot more sex, STDs have also increased majorly. People come to my hospital diagnosed with HIV often. You men are tired of us women are tired of you guys. So we wage a war the eventually damages us both at the end. Michelle yes but a touch of grey hair does nothing to make up for it when even your NECK has a beer belly. What are men not understanding? WRATH WELL WOMAN, WHAT IS A REAL MAN? Men on our worst day will try to save even strangers.. What is a real woman? Saint James Matamoros Sounds like you associate with lazy out of shape people. I just turned 50 and train Brazilian jiu jitsu and workout as much as possible and I look better than most 30 year olds. Not everyone ages gracefully but I work at it. The stock goes UP with some men, it goes DOWN with nearly ALL women after 35. Tom Dane Haha you are kidding yourself. The good thing about being a man is that as you get older, you come to look more and more like Sean Connery. Your sexual market value is directly tied to your youth. OR should I say, exclusively tied to your youth. Older fathers cause just as many problems in kids as older mothers. Grey hair is literally your body failing to produce the melanin needed for a healthy hair color. Handsome older men are handsome IN SPITE OF their aging faces and grey hair, not because of it. However now he has one of the hottest actress in a damn near open relationship. STFU and use some of the reason lacking in the middle aged never married women to try to prove a point. To a man, being young is a grind, the fact that older men can compete in the club with young men and old bitches can only be used because our arms are cramping should prove something to you. AnaLove Are you delusional? Of course he was able to be more successful with dating as an older man—his pockets and fame grew! Grey hair is not sexy. Grey hair is not sexy. Grey hair is not sexy. GG Selon Actually, the fact that a man is older does significantly decrease his value when you take into consideration the fact that he will be elderly before his partner. And we know how old men have shriveled penises with erectile dysfunction. Eventually a woman who chooses an older man may find herself caring for an ailing, non-functional elderly man in his last years rather than enjoying her companionship with an equal partner. And this, after he cheated on her! Because all men cheat. When you sign up for a relationship with an older man with whom you are dependent, you are essentially screwing yourself over in your elderly years. WRATH okay so you can read like one an ignorant asshole idiot,because no one called you that but you felt the need to hit first.. Driver Funny, you actually just gave her a preference your choice in a woman. I though feminists where all about equality, choices, etc…. And yes, you probably struck a nerve the truth with her lol. The music has stopped…time to get off of the carousel. Oh well, at least she has her equality, today lol. After having given birth to legions of cute girls they can call sluts and fuck once or twice, before picking their youngest to be their wife, so she can have their babies and die at 30. So they can pick a new girl. Jane I am thinking you would probably drool on yourself if any woman looked at you, CSB. You are 37, hanging out at a park with a 2 and 4 year old you probably claim are yours, have never been married, probably make a blue-collar wage—YOU ARE NOBODY, dude, nobody! I am 52 and there are plenty of men out there with the self-confidence to date women their age or older—the doctors, lawyers, business men, hipsters, urban professionals, and men with something else you aint got: self-love. Because they know who they are. You have nothing to offer a woman. And I feel sorry for your nieces to think that someone who should be a role model to them has such a bad attitude about women. Have you shared with them your attitudes toward their gender? Go fuck yourself, loser. We immigrate 250,000, mostly from third world hell-holes. So the math in this case works out. In her case, the kid came out healthy even a month early, and it took all of two months to totally erase any signs that she had just ejected a human being from her body. Makes me smirk every time I heard a land-whale excuse her bulk with pregnancy years after the fact. Even still, there are women picking up their children who look old enough to be my mom, often times hauling even younger kids around. I need my sleep now. I look at my neighbor who is 50 and has a 4 year old. He is going to be collecting social security by the time he gets his youngest kid out of the house. Hell as a guy there is a very real chance he might not meet his grandkids. It is more of an excuse for letting themselves go. Le Malade Imaginaire by Molière, 1763. If the land-whales blamed pregnancy to me, I would tell them that such excuses are just as bad as being big boned or glandes. I would shame them for lying, I would shame them for being fat, I would shame them for eating too much and not eating healthy. Oh and I would smile doing so, because it would be an irresistible pleasure. Even still, there are women picking up their children who look old enough to be my mom, often times hauling even younger kids around. Too bad you reproduced and passed on your stupidity. But its not find yourself time, its go time. Mature, intelligent men in their 30s who are not obsessed with fertility but actually care about finding a PARTNER will not have a problem dating women their own age. Wow, MD What hateful, destructive advice. On that note, I suggest you not even THINK of chaning your oil until 120k mi. Babe Chandler Women are not cars. And older fathers are responsible for all sorts of birth defects as well. So by your logic, men need to be having babies before 25 as well. I would rather drown in battery acid than be married to a man like this — it would probably be more enjoyable. Ask your grandfather if he was still immature at 20 — I bet not — at that age he already had a family to provide for, and adult responsibilities. All women over 35 are consider geriatric for procreation purposes, and your risk factors steadily increase starting around 30. The only thing a woman does by waiting until after 30 to start her family is sacrifice her kids health for her own selfish desires. Not exactly good partner material. Babe Chandler Narrow-minded, ignorant thinking. First of all, you act like women always have a choice in the matter. I suggest a dictionary. Third, you cannot assert your conclusion based on the evidence you present. I suggest taking 3 introductory courses to philosophy. Lastly, you have an excellent point. Women should probably stop getting to 32 realizing all the right men their age are married and going after the 38-40 year olds if they cared about the health of their children. Not every woman is willing to settle down and spend the rest of their lives with the first guy they meet. And there are women also who have too much on their plate to even think about a relationship until a certain point. For me, not finding the one early was not a choice, it was the result of factors that were genuinely out of my control. All the time I spent alone, I was able to become a much stronger person, and better myself in many, many other ways that I would not have been able to had I been in a relationship or married. Dating and relationships were actually trifling bullshit compared to the very real stuff that I actually had to deal with. Guys pay much more attention to me now than they did when I was 22 — these guys are younger, older, and the same age. But considering that I am turning 30 in 10 months, I very well might not find the guy before I turn 30. I always wanted to get married before I turned 30, but that becomes less and less likely with every passing day. Because 30+ women have no right to even try to find love without being ridiculed and shamed. And it IS SELFISH to have children when a woman is not ready for them. That is just going to lead to an abused, neglected, or otherwise unloved child. People need to get their shit together before having kids, otherwise it is nothing but absolutely irresponsible and selfish to have those kids. A lot of guys have actually lost interest just because of this — they assume that I have a low sex drive or hang ups. Nick Thomas Cassie — to be fair, this article was addressing the modern career woman, not all women. I would advise you to really try to find someone before you turn 30. You have 10 months, so it very well could happen. The only real problem here — wanting to wait for marriage. When I first met my wife, it was the first time we had sex that made me realize I wanted to marry her. AnaLove She does not have to rush to find a male in 10 months. At 30 her options will be the same. I am marrying a high quality male at 31. I suggest you go on a dating site and plug in males from 30-45 years old. More than 90% include 30 year old women into their dating selection. This is the reality of it whether you like it or not. Neither I nor anybody else really cares what you personally do nor are we going to validate you. As a species a certain level of sub optimal relationships are expected and tolerated. Otherwise the species would go extinct. You want to be one of those, that is your business. The problem is that we have hit a critical mass of idiotic behavior on the part of women where the fertility rates are now below replacement levels. And that is a cause for concern. And that is a cause for concern. Where are you getting your information? There is NO danger of human beings becoming extinct. The population was 2 billion in 1927, 6 billion in 1999, and is expected to hit 9 million just a little after 2030. There are WAY too many people here, and it is really taking a toll on our planet. If people would stop being selfish and reproducing at excessive rates, we might be able to get the earth to an acceptable condition again. It would be even worse if each woman was having babies starting in her early 20s and having more than 2 kids. People slam on women for choosing not to have kids or not starting to have them until their 30s, when given the current overpopulation problem, this is actually a GOOD thing. Which really is what more people should be doing — there are so many abandoned and orphaned children who need loving homes, and instead people are popping out too many of their own babies because of some narcissistic need to pass on their own stinking DNA. It would take too much effort on my part, but I will point you in the right direction Which population groups are shrinking and which population groups are growing? Now which population groups have contributed the entirety of scientific advancements in the last 3000 years? Cassie Ummm…when did I say I needed your validation? And I addressed your ignorance and shortsightedness with my own anecdote. But there is more to women than the ability to get married and have children. The human species is at no risk what-so-ever of becoming extinct — in fact, the human species has grossly overpopulated the earth and is at fault for draining all the nutrients and resources this earth contains. Rosie Thomas Is it really idiotic behavior on the part of women? Is the fact that the quality of men out there is abysmal actually completely irrelevant here? A lot of women who marry later would have married earlier if they had met the right guy, but a good man is hard to find. You should mind your own business and focus on your own problems, which if you are on this site I guarantee you have plenty of! And LMAO at the idea of fertility rates being below replacement levels. The population is growing exponentially and the world is becoming more and more overpopulated every day, and THIS is the true cause for concern. Good for women that they are having less children, rather than having 8 kids per family and SELFISHLY taking more than their share of what the planet has to offer. First of all, not all women are ready to date at 18. Some are wallflowers and ignored by guys. And being single at 30 is not necessarily either a fault or a choice. I hope you do not have daughters. Rosie Thomas You are wrong, wrong, wrong. The only men who would probably be willing to wait are super-religious ones, and they would not be compatible with me. So many relationships, even those that lead to marriage, these days, begin with hookups between two strangers who just met at a bar or club, and I refuse to be a part of that. Selfish is a woman who makes it her mission to get married and have kids young just to satisfy societal standards. If a woman truly wants these things and would be a good young mother, fair enough, but the truth of the matter is that MOST women will be better mothers to their children in their 30s than in their 20s. My mother even admitted this, that she was more mature in her 30s to be a better mother to my brother than she was to me. That is exactly the kind of thing that leads to divorce. Only a foolish person would call that selfish. And that a woman who has children young, with no resources or maturity, is selfless and doing the right thing. In this world, a woman is actually selfish if she makes a responsible choice to wait until she actually find the right guy and is fully ready to become a mother. You people have no grasp on reality. T Rex Stupid old slag. Why are you here? You obviously disagree with all the ideas expressed here. What are you looking for on this site — that we men agree that old, dried up cunts like you are attractive? You are a bad and damaged person — peddling your lies and desperately seeking men to validate your stupid life choices. We mock you and laugh at you. You should be asking yourself why you are here and what are you seeking through your vapid comments? In that, perhaps you can do an honest self-assessment of your real situation instead of living in your fantasy world. Hit a little too close to home? Remember men: you owe them nothing! Go and enjoy life. Always judge women by the value they can add to your lives, ruthlessly cull the inadequate ones, and strive to improve your own value to the best of your ability. What a lot of you seem to think is a recipe for marriage — well-off guy in his 30s with a young, pretty girl who is ready to pop out his babies — seems like a recipe for disaster and divorce. When a woman says it, it usually means she is going to tread water for an unspecified period of time. Also right up there in mockery is when a woman says she needs to find work-life balance. Its one of those lies they tell women to let them down easy, or to deflect women who might be looking at them as a marriage candidate. As for why women get the short end of the stick. Your prime biological reproductive window is 16-30. Yes the increase from 30-35 is relatively minor but we have made things that are less harmful to children illegal, so clearly this level of risk is not tolerable if we were to actually weigh it again whatever risk assessment formula we use for things like car seats, toy design and production, etc. As for an arrangement where a man marries a woman of several years younger being less than optimal in your mind, it is pretty much the norm throughout history and is true for large chunks of the world population today. PeterAndrewNolan I would not argue he is the worlds brightest philosopher….. I criticised him heavily for his father bashing christmas 12 month ago…. And with 100,000+ subs? It is good he is making videos like this….. I remember the first time I heard it, 10 years ago, and I thought it was such a bullshit statement then and even more so now. Women have been sold a crock for years. My ex was 12 years younger than I and lapped up this shite. I remember going to these movies with her. It was all shoes, clothes and utter garbage plots, etc. I cannot express my utter hatred of this TV show and the movies. Needless to say the wishful thinking of a homosexual man brought to the screen. It has ruined a generation of women. The men were also feminised, Mr. Big, give me a break. He was the biggest pussy mangina in the whole thing. Chilangringo Oh man, this is hilarious. Childless, divorced, from California so ahead of her time in a sense. It was fun to be able to just walk to her place, bang her, and leave. It replace masturbating for a while. But the first thing I noticed about her when I first banged her was that her twat stank. There was no way I could go down there, even though she kept begging me too. And it stank so bad that it turned me off even while I was a half body length away while banging her in missionary. That cocktail sorry for the pun of different penis bacterias gets in there and permanently colonizes into a stinking, festering swamp. After that, I never again dated a woman older than me. And as I got older, the age gap grew. Never again will I smell that stench. Sam Rogers I did the same thing in my 20s too. Talk about fucking delusional. Let this be a lesson to any young man seeing a woman in her 30s. They can go from hot to disgusting surprisingly quickly. They will accept if you have minimal interaction with your children. But I was a widower with full time custody of multiple children. Women want men to focus solely on them and theirs. They are the most selfish creatures on the face of the earth. It is part of their evolution. Chilangringo Another funny observation — Check out the Seattle dating scene. Seattle is the epicenter of contemporary feminism. Almost all women over the age of 35 are pursuing younger men. All of them have desired age ranges of men that are younger than they are. Another phenomenon about Seattle is that loads of single 35+ year old women move there. They truly believe they will get younger men. But such a thing hardly exists in Seattle. You look around town and you NEVER see women with younger men. Not even with the pseudo hipster dweebs. These Seattle women are, of course, dreaming. The rest will continue to be bitter whores. Seattle is truly a funny place. Some day, there will be numerous history books written about the epic societal dysfunction of Seattle between 1990 and 2020. Gen Do not denigrate sex and the city too much , it revealed truths for those keen enough to catch them. It provided a window into the soul of women. First off, the show was just a Disney Princess fantasy for grown women. The characters claim they are all strong independent women, but look who the main character pursues: a man who is wealthier, more powerful and higher status than she is. Finally, the show provided an excellent case study of hypergamy. The main character had a perfectly nice and reliable boyfriend, all ready to man up and treat her like a princess, even going so far as a Paris marriage proposal. But gosh, that would be boring. Which confirms for me that women understood it to be the truth as well. Joe I kind of want to watch that show now to see what can be seen through the facade of alcohol and dripping vaginas, but I also value my sanity. That is the one thing I remember from the episode, and I think of it whenever I see old women in the club. ManWithPlan I agree mostly, but: 1. I know this particular subject has been done to death, particularly on ROK…. I married Russian and she handled it. I mean I was minding my own business completely, just like your anecdote. One bought me a Scotch so I admit, I chatted her up. Payback time for all the free drinks she got when she was 22. Negative, Ghostrider — but thanks for the drink. She knew the wall was coming whether she liked it or not. She was a psychologist and I was going all Freud on her ass. The sex and the city plot is damaging because if a deeper internal message that you need to wait to find mr. Perfect and anything short of that is life ending. Some alumni mum at Princeton got hounded by the media for telling girls to settle at college. B same for guys look long term qualities for long term girls and short term qualities for short term girls. I ask any of you reading this to think critically; most of these assumptions about older women and younger women are a bunch of nonsense. Proud Feminine Woman Better than being a lonely, saggy tube sock tit wearing old hag like you, TYVM. Keep rationalizing and hamstering. Your time is almost up. Then you can spend your remaining days on social security cooking your TV dinners and sharing them with your cats. I exist; for the most part, the stereotype in this article does not. LovelyLady Men do not have a monopoly on the understanding of fact vs. Much like this article is just a flawed opinion and not factual. British and Australian men are the worst and most bitter on these websites. What is up with you guys? It makes me glad I live in America. Do you have any idea how stupid you look right now? And you WERE presented with the PROOF OF THIS FACT in these two books. And you wonder why us men call you EVIL PEOPLE? You wonder why we have claimed into existence a WAR OF RETURN to deal with your WAR OF AGGRESSION. You women are so stupid as to be unbelievable. Did you know that no woman has yet published a study proving that women have EVER been oppressed more than men in any society……EVER? PeterAndrewNolan Western women are EVIL PEOPLE in the 99. Looking for 1 in 1000 is not worth it when the other 999 are pathological liars and we can not see through their lies. You women only have yourselves to blame for allowing TENS OF MILLIONS of your older sisters to ruin mens lives. The lads are being told not to marry you for very good reason. See what we are telling them in my books. Indeed, get all your girlie friends to BUY copies of The Truth Be Told so you know what we are telling the lads. Maldek Lady, lady, lady. I can see where that comes from. The best girls read 9s and 10s find their partner before age 22. By the time they are 18 they have had 100s of men offer them their …attention and cocks. By the age of 18 they know men very well and choose wisely. The next best girls read 6s, 7s and 8s find their parnter before age 28. They have a little less choice than the best. They can STILL choose from a vast pool of cock and men but they can not get the best men to marry them. The realise by age ~25 that they will have to settle not with what they can fuck but with what they can marry; aka aim for lower grade males. The low value females read 5s, 4s, 3s will have to take whatever male beta loosers they can get. Best one of these unlucky ugly girls can do is to catch one looser in high shool and hope he will improve to an average joe later. He might even have a kid or two with her and sit it out. Ugly women have no choice. So you see as 30+ single woman you have made a few mistakes at some point in your life. From what you write I would place you as 5 or 6 when you were 20 who did not realize that you can sleep with quality men but you are not quite good enough to bind them. You should have settled for a lesser male when you had the chance. LovelyLady Again, most of this is just fiction. Maldek As a woman you can get sex easily — we are talking about a lasting relationship. You said you are 30+ and single so you have failed the relationship part when it did matter. If you want a relationship now in your 30s you will not be able to get the same quality men you could get in your early 20s. Moreover you will not be able to get many children because you are soon too old. Maybe 1 or 2 is possible depending where in 3x world you are , but be aware that most of your good eggs are down the toilet already. Welcome to the real world! LovelyLady My Grandmother got married and had six healthy kids after the age of 38. My mother got married in her 30s and had me at 38…and my dad is an attractive, stable man with a good job from a wealthy family. All with no fertility treatments. Are you aware that male fertility and sperm quality also decline rapidly after 35? Too bad that only maybe 1 out of every 10000 30+ women fit this description. And maybe 1 out of 10000 of THESE women has refrained from riding the cock carousel, making a staggeringly tiny percentage of these women dateable. White women generally do not age nearly as well. Babe Chandler Your post is ignorant and ridiculous. You paint things in such black and white terms, and you assume that all men think the way that you do and that all women think as you believe they do. There are plenty of not-very-attractive women who are married young, and plenty of beautiful women who are still single at 30. Not to mention that some women just stay away from relationships at young ages, due to focusing on getting an education, shyness, multiple other factors. Women my age are supposed to be settled down with their families, baking, cooking and knitting and being proud doting housewives making beautiful clean cozy homes for our hardworking husbands. Bwahahahaha sucks to be you! You age at exactly the same rate, only you also go bald and have to live with grey hair…all over your body. Between a 40 year old man and a 25 year old man, the 25 year old is almost ALWAYS physically hotter. But what it means is that they can get away with more as they age. Of course most 25 year old men are hotter physically than your average 40 year old, but a 25 year old man generally has no status. First, they had jobs that they were beholden to and bills they were responsible for paying. Second, the show did a good job of showing the pit falls and heartbreaks of their lifestyles. Charlotte was consistently upset about not being married with kids, like yesterday already. Then again when she was trying to get preggers by her 2nd husband she was again unable to so they adopted she finally did manage to get pregnant — years later when she stopped trying. Miranda also wanted a long term relationship but not necessarily kids, though she was the first to have one. Carrie suffered several heartbreaks and much confusion. Being both cheater and cheated upon. Even Samantha, the most non-traditional of the bunch, casual sex promoting cougar, managed to fall head over heels and actually desire a committed relationship from a man who was unwilling to give her that. The writers were witty, I have to give them that. No hi-falutin careers, expensive shoes or anything like that. Just thrift stores sweaters, cramped apartments on the wrong side of the Hudson and out of shape naked bodies. I checked out one episode on youtube and that was all I could take. At least the women in SATC were upbeat. They were all married by 26. I wonder if having an older tough male figure for a father influenced the outcome of their happy fulfilled lives and marriages. The Woman Sluts hate consequences, any consequences. This applies more to America. Senior Sherlock Fairly easy: Wear modest clothing that a covers you below the knees and to the elbow without going into a deep V on your breasts. Stay a virgin and if you lose it know that your value of 100 goes down to 10 and be ready to live with it. Learn how to cook like the average Japanese Housewife, thats 210 + dishes known how to make well and not one of those include a take out menu. The Woman Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to type that list. And how does he know that is what he wants from her if she holds out on doing anything? How long should a good woman hold out in return? On the sex front it is a trade off, some like to train and some want them to know what to do from the get go but in almost all cases a guy would rather train than wonder how much she fucked around to get to her current level. The Woman No, that seems like a logical explanation. I have a really high sex drive, not that men will understand the concept of a virgin with a high sex drive who is WAITING FOR MARRIAGE to express it because of MORALITY. Keep it like that as long as you possibly can and you will have a decent partner even post menopause. Jios Older women can date younger men, but what i have noticed is that most of them get men that are very low value. The kind of men most women their age avoid. Or they get decent looking men that have emotional issues, like an old friend of mine who is handsome but mentally fried after having a nervous breakdown 3 years ago. It is true that when they are older women tend to initiate conversations. But when i was younger i had to make all the effort otherwise i would get nothing in return, with few exceptions. The joke is that most of them are still expecting high value men to marry them when they can get much younger women. They are racist bitches on top of it. They use extreme examples like the pictures above to make their points. I could also point out Gabrielle Union or Jennifer Aniston 40s versus Rebel Wilson 20s and say that proves that older women are more attractive, but that would be just as stupid. Probably because they would have breakdowns if they finally accepted it. The women will use big daddy government to chase down men and beat them senseless with taxes, even men who stay single and earn tax money are punished endlessly with the single taxes. American women will not let Ameican men opt out of supporting them. Maldek Not too long ago women would pick men on average 15 years older. Because back then, daddy had to give his ok and he would not give his daughters hand to a guy who was not established. Hammerstrike What happened then? Guy lose the right to see his own children and also his money. Good thing that feminism gives the high-paying jobs to women on account of their gender, it has already saved a lot of males from much distress, having become all but invisible to the fiends that would have financially and emotionally raped them with familly court orders. In the 1900s age gap was approx. In 1950s it was approx. The age gap has been relatively stable over the years. But for cohabiting couples, the age gap is FAR larger: In other words, quite a few women apparently are ok with sexual relations with far older men without even a state codified guarantee of resource delivery from them. So, uh, It appears they DO find far older men more sexually attractive, at least empirically when you look at ALL couples. LovelyLady The other guy said that the age gap used to be bigger, and you are now saying that the age gap used to be smaller. Maybe you should fight it between each other. I'm guessing it's bottom of the barrel women or poor and vulnerable women who can't get a man to put a ring on it and end up cohabitating with significantly older men. Dating older men has little to do with sexual attraction and a lot to do with desperation. Take up your misandric arms against Princeton social scientists if you must. Which by definition means they find said men sexually attractive. And, the data agrees with me. It implied that women did the picking in the old days. Choice is an illusion. But sure, marrying a 15 year older guy who was well established back then was considered winning the lottery and they knew it. There is a telling lack of acknowledgement on blogs like of the horrific domestic abuse that the traditional marriage model imprisoned many women to. For this reason alone I favor the decline of traditional marriage despite the legit downside of what life can become for women who never marry. PolishKnightUSA When I grew up, women who advocated chivalry told me that they regarded it as a right for women to hit men and to not get hit back. Later, and this is a true story, I sat on a jury in a DV case between an unmarried Hispanic woman and her baby daddy and a woman juror said, in open court, that a woman had a right to hit a man but not get hit back. Today, if you open a telephone book, there are pages upon pages of blue pages dedicated to abuse against women and turn on the TV and various celebrities are raising funds for shelters for abused women which begs the question: Why are there so many abused women around despite all these choices? Feminists liked to joke that feminism was the radical notion that women are people. Anti-feminists observe that the unthinkable notion is that men are people too. You see how those things are not mutually exclusive. I think if a woman wants to fight a man, then she should be prepared to be fought like a man. He had his daughter with him. When the police were called to the scene due to the noise, they asked the woman if she was ok. It was clear that he was the victim of an attack. The police kicked him out of his own hotel room ALONG WITH THE CHILD. They slept in his car. So chivalrous policies that discriminate against men hide the number of abused or needy men so why bother helping them? Feminism is about goodies for women and then rationalizing away any discrimination against men. First worlder white women feminism is now increasingly irrelevant as the primary political issues in the states appears to be race bashing whites, Islamic Sharia law, and crony capitalism. In the end, middle class white women will be pushed under the bus just like working class white men. Your turn will come. Michelle What the police did was WRONG. All women have to do now is coast and build on what has been laid out for them. Feminism is, literally, a movement about stuff for women. ALL movements are about equality, if you think about it, when it suits their special interest groups. When feminism strips men of their rights or for stuff for women that these women want from men, it undermines their choices also. If man is the so called stronger sex then how can ANYTHING a woman does keep him from his power? The men who are worthy of power and success have it no matter what women do. Now, women who want the traditional arrangement are allowed to want it. Indeed, I agree with you: Man-hating feminism HAS made men less manly just as feminism has made women less feminine. They just have government as a substitute husband. If a man is lazy and plays video games all day, should he get a pretty girlfriend who cooks and cleans up after him? The same also applies for career women who want men to be protectors and providers but feminism has undermined men in that role. I like the question you ask as to whether men should basically be supermen and ANYTHING should not keep him down. Indeed, this seems to be what happened with a lot of career women I met who think that men should now be super successful, handsome, etc. Regarding the women wanting a backup plan or independence. Aside from the blame and I would say that feminism is nothing but a product of hyper chivalry from western white men towards white women , what has not resulted is actual equality in a good way. That can be said of any arrangement whether women have legal or economic equality or not. What makes feminism so wrong is that it undermines the desire of most heterosexual women for a breadwinning protector man. Many men are not interested in or able to be a superman to support and protect goodie-grabbing feminists. Which ironically means that most women like men and children have been hurt by feminism. Michelle What can make a real man less manly aside from his unwillingness to just BE manly? You think the women graduating with standard and advanced degrees at rates higher than men are getting that degree handed to them? And what woman making a great professional salary is using the gov as a substitute husband? What else is false is your idea of what femininity is supposed to be. I define what my femininity is just as you define your masculinity is. The things men like you want to take away from women by claiming them as masculine are nothing more than things that every COMPETENT ADULT has the right to. The only reason you THINK those rights belong to men is because women have been forcibly denied them historically. Michelle I really do wish men well in their efforts to correct the burdens in their lives, I just wish more of you would realize who your real enemies are. Direct your anger there buddy. Sadly, the peace prize is now a bit of a joke. But the science prizes are still based upon merit. In answer to your question, no, women are not being responsible even with the higher degrees however they got them. What a pretentious disconnect from reality she lived in. But yes, there are a few women who support successful families. And there were women who felt they were equals 300 years ago too ever hear of Queen Elizabeth? But in general, most women today are little different than 100 years ago. Welcome to the real world! And most crave traditional sexist patronage from men Note not all in case you want to mention that again. Feminists almost always love to say that a few women not being man-hating victims means that not all women are so I want to make that clear that not ALL women are like that. Regarding competent adults: I agree with you. But that being said, women crave men as providers and undermining men as providers, especially via artificial quotas, is self-defeating in that such women are neither happy nor equal. Regarding the boo-hoo women being denied rights historically. Men were denied them too. That being said, as tough as things are, men have to live with them. I think becoming a slacker and playing video games is a copout, I agree with you. I went out and grew myself and made myself a decent mate and then… came up with demands of my own. After all, they were raised effectively by a matriarchy. Men shared their income with women anyway hence equal pay was irrelevant. Oh, except now we all earn less due to welfare mothers unable to find a provider living off the taxpayer and producing criminal kids. So now all of us earn less for this so-called equality. When someone points out how times are tough I say: Thank feminism. Love double the cars on the road and traffic congestion? Michelle Where is there evidence of affirmative action in there being a larger number of women than men pursuing higher education PERIOD? You conveniently averted and twisted my statement about single motherhood. Yet men are inherently more responsible? I guess I have to give it to men for fooling other men into thinking the problem is with women as opposed to the collective actions of their own gender. Many people, men or women, get laid off and wind up on the street too even in modern times. But overall, the Patriarchy did a far better job than feminism did. And THE MEN who run the system were put there by women who comprise a majority of the vote. There are more women than men APPLYING in general, which means that before even being admitted to college, women are showing more responsibility for taking their economic futures seriously. If we run out of money like greece, just as many men as women will be shit out of luck, and EVERYONE will be desperate. You really savoring that fate? There are currently many women SUPPORTING MEN in this economy because the female dominated industries like nursing are thriving more so than traditionally male dominated ones, so cut this naive idea that the traditional male dominated model is the only one that works. We currently have a VARIETY of marriage models that are working for the variety of REAL WORLD life experiences people find themselves in. Women disproportionately need more money to get by. One reason why men have traditionally been providers is simply because men produce more than they need. Having babies costs money. Until the affirmative action and welfare ends, both of us know this is artificial. The few marriages that supposedly work better due to equality or feminism are dwarfed by the vast numbers of welfare mothers breeding criminals produced by the matriarchal state and the women winding up alone rather than settling for a man who earns less than they do. That trade off is useless to women. We only settled for that arrangement when there was no other option for survival. Can you imagine the pressure on ONE person to provide for another adult and however many kids were birthed? Do they want sex as much as men? Oh, wait, of course not! We can enjoy it without guilt. Heck, we can enjoy it even when conditions for it otherwise stink. I know some alpha dogs who are handsome: tall and well built, and they are treated sort of like women. Women throw themselves and perks and gifts at them and they get nookie, and could even be a househusband if they wanted. But it appears that women simply have higher standards in this boinkability without guilt standard than men do. Just a fun thought. The claim that more freedom for women means more freedom for men has already been debunked. So many divorced men never see their kids at all. Women in the past worked part time and even full time after the children were in school. Ever hear of textile mills? So now they have to work for white male capitalist cronies. Welcome to the drone workcamp, Comrade. Then they will have NOTHING to complain about. PeterAndrewNolan Yep…women become invisible as they get older…. And they remember what they threw away too. When I was 14 we were on holiday in a caravan park and one of the other families had a girl who was 12. She wanted to hang around and she was a bit of a tomboy so that was fine. We stayed in touch and saw one another on another holiday once. She was 16 and very pretty. Her family was a really good family and we hit it off…. Obviosuly her parents knew my mother well. I REALLY liked her and thought that this might have legs. I knew her since she was 12 and knew that she had never had a boyfriend this seemed a good idea to me. One day, about three months in, she calls and tells me she wants to dump me. I explain to her that it is not acceptable to dump me over the phone and I ask if it is ok for me to come see her and we can talk. If she still wants to dump me, so be it. Short story, she did. I was 18 and heart broken. Fast forward 27 years. My personal web site has my resume on it. But hubby is in the armed services and so we travelled a lot around Australia too. While my career was doing things like designing the source code control system for the international space station development team when I was 26. Let me tell you…a LOT of places where armed services guys get posted to in Australia are not that great…talk about low rent districts. Now you tell me you dumped me for a jock. And by the way? My mum and dad live in the same house. Footloose and fancy free. I explained I could go where I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted, whenever I wanted and I loved that very much. So she keeps trying…Oh, that would be such a wonder life for xyz her little 3 year old girl she would see so much and have such a great time, so much better for her than suburban Australia…. And I explained that yes, my former children went to the best schools in Ireland, had gotten Irish citizenship on my dime and effort whereas I did not, and now had far better chances in life than I had at the same age…. Of ALL the women who dumped me when I was a kid. NONE of them is particularly happy……NONE of them had the life that Jennifer had…. Of ALL the women I was ever interested in the gf I had when I was 16-17 was the one I forced the break up with and she is happy. I broke it up badly because I loved her and I knew that we wanted different lives. I wanted to travel the world. She wanted to be near her mum and she was a single child. As far as I know? She is as happy as a clam. They are mostly not that happy a bunch of campers. Of course…they are all around 50 now too. To see how the women who so commanded my attention when I was young are almost ALL not very happy with how things turned out for them as compared to how things turned out for me? It gives me a great deal of very smug satisfaction. I can advise all you younger men that revenge for being dumped as a teen is sweet revenge indeed. Very, very, VERY sweet. Well, she fished well and went a long way in her 23 years with me…. Nick Thomas Earlier today, I was on a message board. I answered as honestly as I could. I said probably not. I told her that men are all about the visual. In fact, her looks had probably already started to decline. It is not as if she was 15 and an ugly duckling who could still potentially become a beautiful swan. Her time to be a swan up to age 25 in most women had already come and gone. I said she probably has lots of other things going for her, but as for romantic love that ship has pretty much sailed if no one has been interested up to now. So she should forget about the conventional happy ending and instead focus on career and being successful in other areas, develop new great dreams, and not focus on dreams that at this point will probably never come true. I got RAILED for saying this by other people on the site, mostly women. Why do people get so angry when I just speak my opinion? I feel for the woman, really — but realistically, this is a woman who was ignored by men even at the age where women look their best. Does she really have that great of a chance at hooking one now that she is PAST her prime? Alpha men typically need serious attitude adjustments — they are uneducated, unintelligent, insecure, and need to tear others down to pick themselves up. They are arrogant without having any real reason to be. I know a few women who married alpha men and got divorced because the man was so controlling and abusive — any woman who wants a happy life will marry what you consider to be a beta man. T Rex Why are you here, Babe? Do you think a pretty girl would spend two seconds doing what you are doing? No way — they are living lives you can only dream about — managing their social calendar, dating hot guys, taking care of their beautiful children, spending time with their accomplished husband, checking out shoes. Yes, they are living lives you can only dream of and which you are sorely envious. I ask again, why are you here? Surrounded by your money, accomplishments, worthless degree, security, furniture, etc, but never quite whole — wishing the world was more favorable to you and your sad existence. Tragically, your bloated ego is too invested at this point to change. Or maybe you can go over to Jezebel for some quick ego strokes — You Go, Girl! Again, what are you doing here? Wasting your ever eroding years debating some pathetic guy by the name of T Rex on a website entitled Return of Kings. No pretty girl or one in the top social sphere ever does that. Babe Chandler HAHAHAHAHAHAHA how long did it take you to write that comment? All it shows is that I clearly hit a nerve. Three times you insulted my appearance, when obviously you have no clue how I look. Your insults are grounded in ignorance rather than any facts whatsoever, and all that does is expose you for the LOSER you are. You are a stain on humanity. You are a nothing, and you always will be unless you see the light. See, my insults have nothing to do with your appearance, or anything else that I have no knowledge about. They come completely from what I know about you, which I came to know because of your venom towards a complete stranger. Try it sometime — your arguments will be much more powerful that way. T Rex Run the fuck home and bite your pillow, little girl. Maybe you can comfort your unattractiveness through your work, subconsciously aware that only ugly girls have to travel that path. The pretty ones are well taken care of, loved, and happy to be living their lives. For them, life is more than just. Tick, tock, the clock moves a few clicks closer to your approaching or deteriorating expiration date. Ugly on the outside, but even uglier on the inside. Run the fuck home and complain to your cats, little girl. Men are not valued by women for who they are, only what they can do for women. Jeff Older women have sex and get married all the time, just not to men who look like Zac Efron. You went pretty hard on this girl for no reason, you should have just let her be and find her own way, because a lot of women have and do. Babe Chandler I agree with Jeff. You really should have kept your opinion to yourself. Believe it or not, not all men would prefer a 22 year old to a 27 year old, and there are 27 year olds who look much younger than they are — not all 27 year olds are starting to decline. In which cases all she would really need is more confidence and possibly a few lifestyle changes. Seriously, who do you think you are to make all those assumptions about a stranger and use them as a basis for talking to someone like that? Troy The older I get, the more my personal experience proves to me that men are indeed able to date younger for far longer than women. In the last six months of 2012 I had sex with ten new girls, all in their early twenties, one 19. My batting average now is significantly higher than in my twenties and early thirties. In the last six months of 2012 I had sex with ten new girls, all in their early twenties, one 19. Older women are lucky not to have you interested. Are you aware how many men have no, or very limited options? If we take 15% are alpha and another 10% are greater beta that leaves 75% of men who would fuck the woman pictured to the right at some point in their lives. Maldek See thats the problem Madeline. Because they have no options. So they lie to you. Men with options — these are the ones women want — will never accept an equal in their bed. The man is the captain, the leader of his clan. The woman is pleasing to his eyes and keeps the house and the kids plural in order. Everything else you were told your entire life feminism etc are decadent lies to cloud your mind and make you a better worker-bee. Remember: Housewifes pay no taxes. As I turn 30 this year which people tell me I still look 22 we have an incredibly bright future that two can plan for rather than 1. Life is about sharing pressures and responsibilities. This is not 1955. Why should he have to provide that extra Chanel bag I want? I can buy it myself. This day and age the economy is ever changing. I can cook and clean and if something were to ever happen, thankfully I could easily support us as well. Open your eyes men of 2014- there are woman who are beautiful,educated,and independent that are capable of being part of healthy relationships wether they are 24 or 30. Ever heard the saying, two is better than one? I fully understood where you come from the first time. You on the other hand are the one with limited understanding. A man who is worthy does not need nor WANT your extra income. A ship does not have 2 captains, that does not work. You have 1 person in charge and 1 first officer — that DOES work. If both man and woman do work, the goverment gets more taxes. Your family does suffer. How can you be in your office and take care of your family at the same time? Time is running short for you and children is all that matters for a woman — you may not realize this until you are 40 and can no longer have them. If you wanted to start with children NOW you will be lucky to have 3. If you wait say 3 or 4 year you will be lucky to have 2 or even 1. I kinda like you and your style, so took the time to explain the obvious. My wife too got a PhD with a very well payed job too you know. Nevertheless she did stop working with baby 1 and has not returned to workforce since. She is know 44 and we have 3 children. The one thing she would make different is start with children earlier so she could have 4 or 5. If you try you may end up with nothing. Madeline I think our two year old son would disagree with the type of parent you think I am,from my above expressed opinions,but thank you for trying to explain.
It implied that women did the picking in the old days. If the land-whales blamed pregnancy to me, I would tell them that such excuses are just as bad as being big boned or glandes. But there is more to caballeros than the ability to get married and have children. Women on average hit menopause at 50. Go and enjoy life. At least the women in SATC were upbeat. Funny too that you fail to acknowledge that my comment was fairly neutral and not directed at anyone in file, and his comment was the one full of vitriol. LovelyLady The other guy said that the age gap used to be bigger, and you are now saying that the age gap used to be smaller.
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